Health & Wellness Programs at Boys & Girls Clubs
These programs develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors to nurture their well-being, set personal goals and grow into self-sufficient adults.
Below is a sampling of Boys and Girls Club Health and Wellness Programming:
SMART Moves – (All Ages)
- SMART Moves is a targeted program in BGCA’s Health and Wellness Core Program Area that supports Healthy Lifestyles. BGCA’s SMART Moves programs and resources are developmentally appropriate and meet all age groups.
- SMART Moves programs facilitated by the BGCMC include:
- SMART Moves: Core
- SMART Moves: Substance Abuse
- SMART Moves programs facilitated by the BGCMC include:
- SMART Moves is a suite of health promotion programs focused on building the key attitudes and skills necessary for youth to make decisions about their health. Although health education is typically considered a school-based topic, health education requirements, content and quality vary amongst school districts. Some of the biggest gaps in content are related to risk behaviors such as substance use, tobacco use and sexual health. The program provides content aligned with the most important life-skills necessary for healthy decision making. This is reflected in the name of the program: SMART is an acronym for Skills Mastery and Resilience Training.
- SMART Moves is a targeted program in BGCA’s Health and Wellness Core Program Area that supports Healthy Lifestyles. BGCA’s SMART Moves programs and resources are developmentally appropriate and meet all age groups.
Triple Play – (All Ages)
- Triple Play, a “game plan for mind, body and soul,” is designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning in every part of the Club experience. The program involves all Club members in emphasizing good nutrition, regular physical activity and improving overall well-being.
Passport to Manhood – (Ages 8-14)
- Passport to Manhood encourages boys age 8 to 14 to develop and mature into young men. The Passport to Manhood program represents a targeted effort to engage young boys in discussions and activities that reinforce character, leadership and positive behavior. Each participant receives a “passport” to underscore the notion that he is on a personal journey of maturation and growth.
SMART Girls – (Ages 8-18)
- Giving girls confidence, SMART Girls helps girls develop toward healthy attitudes. It is a small-group health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls in three age groups, spanning ages 8 to 18. Through dynamic sessions, participatory activities, field trips and mentoring opportunities with adult women, Club girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.