The Boys & Girls Club of Manitowoc County is thrilled to make summer a fun learning experience for so many! We believe that summer is a great time to give kids opportunities to develop new friendships, play, continue to learn, and experience new things. Registration for the 2022 Summer Program for all youth ages 6-12 is now open! Programming will begin June 13th and run through August 19th from 8:00am-5:30pm, Monday-Friday.
Our 2022 Summer Program will feature a wide-ranging array of fun and exciting programs. Sports and recreation, Fine arts, small group discussions, leadership and community service, field trips, STEM, Summer Brain Gain, and much, much more! We will offer breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack as well.
Click here to register your child(ren) for our 2022 Summer Program. Summer registration will run April 4th-April 29th, applications received will not guarantee acceptance into the Summer Program. You will receive a notification via email the first week of May to confirm acceptance and provide more information. If you do not receive notification by that time, reach out to our Unit Director, Connor Schultz at cschultz@bgcmanitowoccounty.org or 920-470-8063. The Boys & Girls Club prioritizes serving families and youth that need us most. Youth and families who are facing adverse challenges will be accepted into the summer program first.